Eurovision Time!

Tonight is Eurovision.

With the exception of reading tweets from my friend Tim B, who is a ‘reality TV trader’, I tend to keep away from the run up to Eurovision.  I like the ‘newness’ of watching and hearing the songs for the first time.  It also takes away that thing of the more you hear a song, the more you like it.

Or hate it, it goes both ways.

Tonight, I shall be watching along with my friends. This happens every year.  We haven’t made it a meetup event for a long time, with one thing or another.  This year, I appear to have flu in May.  God knows how.  But people will be on Facebook, Twitter and text so we can slate people to our heart’s content.

Lucy will be on text, Mr S will be on Twitter, as i’m sure a few others will, and Magda will be on Facebook.  Maybe this year, I won’t have to unfriend some idiot for moaning about my updates and statuses, even though they do it every year for X Factor.  And Britain’s Got Talent.  And that other one.

Apparently, that’s OK though.


May Day Weekend Results

It’s May Day weekend! Well, actually, it’s May Day itself now, a Bank Holiday, which means nothing because I am not working. Other than the fact that the bank is taking a day longer to clear my tax refund.

So, to recap this weekend. On Friday, I spent the WHOLE DAY refreshing my emails for the last possible day the mark for TMA03 could be sent through. By late afternoon, I was actually rationing my refresh rate to once per quarter hour, as my brain was genuinely going crazy…

I even had the OU website open with StudentHome up so I could refresh the page that my results got posted to. Then, just after 10pm, I saw my mark had appeared on the website!

I was so happy, I got exactly the same mark as I did last time! I’m not sure how the marks were split between the essay and the plan, but if it was weighted fairly, then 33.3%r would be for the plan, leaving 66.6%r for the essay. If this was the case, I believe I did quite poorly for the plan, but made up for it on the essay itself. I’M SO HAPPY! I had started to worry a bit.

I’ve worked out that under the OU marking guide, i’m at a 2.1, which is the lowest I need to reasonably succeed in getting a job placement or training. I’m good with this, but want to push for those extra marks! I really need some work experience now though.

Next Wednesday, I start my teaching assistant course. I imagine lots of paperwork and formalities for the first session.